Wednesday, 4 August 2010

EBL mode

Yet another thing I should have done years ago. As everyone knows who's tried to do it, writing operationality criteria is rather messier than it should be. One of the worst things is that you don't immediately get feedback on the effects of the changes you've made. You need to rebuild the whole specialised grammar, which typically takes a while, and then you have to go through it to find out what the effect of your changes was.

I've just added an enhancement that should substantially simplify the development process. The new command EBL_MODE puts the top-level in a mode where each input sentence is subjected to EBL analysis, using the current set of operationality criteria; the operationality criteria file is reloaded each time, in case it has changed. The system prints a list of derived rules, with the substring used to derive each rule. Here's an example from CALL-SLT/French:

(Do EBL processing on input sentences)

--- Performed command EBL_MODE, time = 0.00 seconds

>> puis je avoir un sandwich

Taking operationality criteria from d:/cygwin/home/speech/call-slt/fre/prolog/

--- Written compiled operationality file (37 items) d:/cygwin/home/speech/call-slt/fre/generatedfiles/
% compiling d:/cygwin/home/speech/call-slt/fre/generatedfiles/
% module tmp_ebl_operational imported into user
% module lists imported into tmp_ebl_operational
% module utilities imported into tmp_ebl_operational
% module ebl_operational imported into tmp_ebl_operational
% compiled d:/cygwin/home/speech/call-slt/fre/generatedfiles/ in module tmp_ebl_operational, 0 msec 6928 bytes

Rule of form ".MAIN-->utterance"
derived from [puis,je,avoir,un,sandwich]

Rule of form "utterance-->med_utterance"
derived from [puis,je,avoir,un,sandwich]

Rule of form "med_utterance-->vp"
derived from [puis,je,avoir,un,sandwich]

Rule of form "vp-->vbar,vbar,np,optional_pp"
derived from [puis,je,avoir,un,sandwich]

Rule of form "vbar-->verb,hyphen,pronoun,optional_adverb"
derived from [puis,je]

Rule of form "verb-->puis"
derived from [puis]

Rule of form "hyphen-->[]"
derived from []

Rule of form "pronoun-->je"
derived from [je]

Rule of form "optional_adverb-->[]"
derived from []

Rule of form "vbar-->verb,optional_adverb"
derived from [avoir]

Rule of form "verb-->avoir"
derived from [avoir]

Rule of form "optional_adverb-->[]"
derived from []

Rule of form "np-->spec,n"
derived from [un,sandwich]

Rule of form "spec-->un"
derived from [un]

Rule of form "n-->sandwich"
derived from [sandwich]

Rule of form "optional_pp-->[]"
derived from []