Thursday 18 September 2008

Dynamic Regulus lexicon entries

Regulus now includes an interface to Nuance dynamic grammar capabilities, making it possible in effect to add new lexicon entries at runtime. Dynamic lexicon entries need to be defined using macros which have been declared dynamic in the Regulus source file.

I have checked in a sample application in $REGULUS/Examples/Toy1SpecialisedDynamic; there is basic documentation in doc/README.txt. The application uses a version of the Toy1Specialised grammar in which commands need to be prefaced by a name. The user can dynamically add new names to the recognition vocabulary while the application is running. The following extract from the lexicon file shows the macro and declaration for the dynamic name entries:

macro(person_name(Surface, Sem),
@name(Surface, [Sem], [agent], sing, [])).

dynamic_lexicon( @person_name(Surface, Sem) ).

At runtime, new name entries can be added using calls to the predicate assert_dynamic_lex_entry/1. A typical call might look like this:

assert_dynamic_lex_entry( @person_name((howard, the, duck), howard_the_duck))

Note that the infrastructure needed to run dynamic applications is somewhat different from the standard one. In particular, it is necessary to use a Resource Manager and a Compilation Server,and compile a dummy "just-in-time" recognition package. The sample application gives examples of the scripts required. I will be checking in proper documentation soon, andwill post again when I have done that.

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