Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Regulus 2.9.0 released

Nikos has just created and uploaded the new 2.9.0 release of Regulus. I tried downloading and running a couple of simple tests in text and speech mode (under SICStus 4.0.3), and Toy1 at least appears to work fine. Please mail me if you notice problems.

Here are the release notes:


A large number of new features have been added to Regulus since
version 2.8.0. Most importantly, Regulus now runs under Sicstus 4;
it is possible to use speech input directly from the top-level;
N-best processing is supported in both dialogue and translation mode;
and a new semantics for translation applications has been added.

The new features are listed below in more detail. Not all of them are
fully documented yet, but we are giving priority to adding the
necessary documentation.

- Support for Sicstus 4
- Regulus runs under Sicstus 4.
- It has been thoroughly tested under 4.0.2.
- Some testing has been done under 4.0.3, but this has not yet been carefully
verified. NOTE: under 4.0.3, it is necessary to load the patch files in
- Regulus still runs under Sicstus 3, and has been thoroughly
tested under 3.12.5.

- Top-level
- Errors are now written to stderr
- There is a version of regulus_batch with an extra argument, which returns
the list of error outputs created when running the commands.
- It is possible to compile Nuance grammars from the Regulus top-level
using the NUANCE_COMPILE command.
- It is possible to perform speech recognition directly from the top-level
- The LOAD_RECOGNITION command starts defined speech resources, including
a license manager, recserver and Regserver
- After loading resources using LOAD_RECOGNITION, the RECOGNISE command
takes live speech input and passes it to the current application.
- Wavfiles are automatically logged by RECOGNISE. The WAVFILES command
lists the most recent recorded wavfiles.
- When speech resources are loaded, text input of the form


performs recognition on , and passes the result to the
current application

- Java GUI
- The Java GUI has been greatly improved, and many bugs have been fixed.
- The GUI supports direct speech input, similar to the Prolog top-level
described above
- It is possible to run multiple copies of the GUI at the same time.

- Stepper
can be invoked from within the stepper.

- Support for spoken dialogue applications
- When speech resources have been loaded from the command line,
dialogue corpora can contain items of the form wavfile().
This makes it possible to test corpora containing a mixture of speech
and non-speech inputs.
- Batch processing of speech input in dialogue mode produces figures
for semantic error rate. An utterance is deemed semantically correct if
it produces the same dialogue move as the transcription would have done.
- A timeout has been added in batch dialogue processing, so that processing
gives up after 10 seconds.
- If N-best preferences are defined, preference info is printed in
dialogue mode.
- Allow dialogue server to take XML-formatted requests

- Generation
- When the declaration

regulus_config(prolog_semantics, yes).

is included, generation grammars can contain arbitrary Prolog structures.

- Translation
- There is extensive support for translation using both the original
"linear" semantics, and also the new "Almost Flat Functional" (AFF)
semantics. AFF is described in our COLING 2008 paper, which will soon
posted on the Regulus website. Some initial documentation will be added
to RegulusDoc.htm.
- It is possible in a translation config file to define an interlingua
as either a source or a target language. There are many examples
in the MedSLT project directory.
- Batch translation produces output files for judging both in Prolog
and in CSV form. There are new commands for updating judgements from the
CSV files.
- When speech resources have been loaded from the command line,
translation corpora can contain items of the form wavfile().
- A simple version of N-best processing has been added for applications
that use interlingual translation with an interlingua grammar. In N-best mode,
the first utterance producing well-formed interlingua is selected.
- Interlingua expressions ambiguous according to the interlingua grammar
are flagged in translation mode.
- If performing batch translation from Source to Target through Interlingua,
combine available Source -> Interlingua and Interlingua -> Target
judgements into Source -> Target judgements if possible.
- Show average number of generated target language surface forms when
doing batch translation.
- Translation conditions can include elements of the form


This matches an in a clause.

- Grammar specialisation
- Fix bug in processing of include_lex declarations.

- Help
- When defining intelligent help for translation applications, help resources
can be built from an interlingua corpus.

- Extension to Regulus grammar formalism
- Allow =@ as synonym for = @
- Add runtime support for GSL functions strcat/2, add/2, sub/2, neg/1, mul/2, div/2

- English grammar
- Rules for dates including years have been added.

- Other
- Tool added to perform random generation from PCFG-trained GSL grammars

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